Liberated Love – Celebrating Pride with Pleasure

Event Time

Saturday, June 1st
1 pm-9 pm Art and Vendor Show
7 pm Opening Event

Event Place

Inner Sage
171 W. Nine Mile
Located on 9 Mile Rd just west of Woodward Ave

Event Information

Join us in commemorating Pride with a celebration of liberated love and sensual expression! Hosted by Inner Sage & House of Blackmoore, art of all backgrounds and orientations with the themes of adult, nude, or erotic will be featured at our Ferndale Pride Fundraising event, "Liberated Love: Celebrating Pride with Pleasure."

A diverse range of mediums will be featured, including paintings, photography, collage works, etc. Whether you identify as LGBTQIA+ or ally, we encourage you to support this unique perspective on love and pleasure through art.

Artworks will be showcased during the Ferndale Pride Fest at Inner Sage. The art opening will take place on June 1st, coinciding with the festivities of Pride. Following the opening, the exhibited art will be on display for one week (June 7th). A percentage of proceeds from sold artwork will be directed to Ferndale Pride.

Check out more information here
